Chungnam National University, Korea
School of Mechanical Engineering
Email : [email protected]
Mobile : +82 10-4016-0489
Education & Career
- Ph.D integrated Course, Mechanical engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea, 2022.03 – ****
- B.S. Mechanical engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea, 2016.03 – 2022.02
- Internship KAERI(KOREA ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE), Korea, 2020.07 – 2020.08
Executive Summary
- Interest: MEMS, NEMS, Flexible strain sensor, strain sensor
- Publications : 4 published
- Patents : 1 domestic (Korea) patent
- Honors and Awards: 7 awards
- License & certificate : 0 license & certificate
Selected Publications (see the full publication list)
- Chan Park, Jungmin Kim, Jeongbeam Kang, Byeongjun Lee, Haran Lee, Cheoljeong Park, Jongwon Yoon, Chiwon Song, Hojoong Kim, Woon-Hong Yeo* and Seong J. Cho*, Coatable strain sensors for nonplanar surfaces, Nanosacle (IF: 5.8, JCR: 18.2%)
- [Book] Chan Park, Byeongjun Lee, Jungmin Kim , Haran Lee, Jeongbeom Kang, Jongwon Yoon, Chiwon Song, Jonghyeon Ban, Pyungwoo Yeon, Young Tack Lee, Min-gu Kim, and Seong J. Cho, “Smart and Connected Wearable Electronics, Chapter 6: Material and structural approaches for human-machine interfaces”, Materials science , 2023.11.13
- Chan Park , Byeongjun Lee , Jungmin Kim , Haran Lee , Jeongbeom Kang, Jongwon Yoon,
Jonghyeon Ban, Chiwon Song and Seong J. Cho*, Flexible Sensory Systems: Structural Approaches, Polymers (IF : 4.967, JCR: 17.22%)
- Cheoljeong Park, Jongwon Yoon, Sunguk Hong, Chan Park, Yeondo Jeong, Jungmin Kim, Byeongjun Lee , Haran Lee, Chiwon Song, Seong J. Cho*, Advanced Representative Rail Temperature Measurement Point Considering Rail Deformation by Meteorological Conditions and Rail Orientation, IJPEM (IF : 2.041, JCR: 58.23%)