Chungnam National University, Korea
School of Mechanical Engineering
Email :
Mobile : +82 010-2415-0106
Education & Career
- Kia motors (기아자동차)
- B.S. Mechanical engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea, 2016.03 – 2022.02
- Internship KAERI(KOREA ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE), Korea, 2020.12 – 2021.02
Executive Summary
- Interest: Membrane, Membrane Distilation, MEMS, Liquid Transportation
- Publications : 0 published
- Patents : 0 domestic (Korea) patent
- Honors and Awards: 1 awards
- License & certificate : 0 license & certificate
Selected Publications (see the full publication list)
Honor & Awards
- The Best award Industry-linked X-corps competition, Chungnam National University, 2021.11